Bundjalung Dictionary

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Word List

Bundjalung English Category Dialect
naba- hit with a missile ; throw at something (whether or not you actually hit it) ; shoot Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nabali- fight with spear, boomerang (and tomahawk) and shield Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nabang mother people Lower Richmond [more]
nabi, nabeh- (?) begin ; play Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nabur narrow body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
naga- whisper language Middle Clarence [more]
nagan ('nagan) son (?) people Lower Richmond [more]
nahgin.gan wife people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nahng taste body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nahngmili- look back, round or behind Middle Clarence [more]
nahr gristle ; sinew ; tendon ; vein body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nahr-balang muscular ; strong Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nahr-djam weak Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nahwa- upset ; capsize ; overturn Middle Clarence [more]
nahy knife ; from English knife artifact Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nalgal, ngalgal (?) dingo animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nalinggari yuban (?) dying Lower Richmond [more]
nalu dark ; night ; midnight time Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nam-nam quiet Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nama- hold ; catch ; touch ; grab ; seize ; embrace ; grasp ; hold of, get Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nambagi horse animal Copmanhurs [more]
nambargul canoe artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nambulehn quiet Gold Coast Tweed [more]
namgir daylight natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
naminbah hold on Gold Coast Tweed [more]
namuwi- (?) stop (M) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nanahng sister, male's ; sister, older (female's) people Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nandin (?) lawyer cane ; vine, lawyer plant Lower Richmond [more]
nangahny hunter, good people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nangany food (usually vegetable food) food Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nangany-galigan woman fond of food ; food-lover (female) people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nangany-giny person fond of food ; food-lover people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nanggil wattle tree ; myrtle tree plant Lower Richmond [more]
nanmili- wedge ; spike Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nanmili- stick ; adhere ; fastened, become Middle Clarence [more]
narahmiri tarantula spider ; spider, tarantula All [more]
narim shin ; tibia body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
naring over ; above ; across location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
naring gimi- opposite Gold Coast Tweed [more]
naringga- go across ; go over ; cross over Gold Coast Tweed [more]
naruny glad ; happy senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
narunyehn contentment ; happiness senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nawa- lie upon ; collapse upon Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nawalih-gubih pillow artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nawan companion people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nayi knife artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nayi- come in a cloud of something ; cloud of something, come in a ; enveloped in, come Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nayiny, ngahny (?) Robin, Yellow ; Yellow Robin bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nedjuram cold Copmanhurs [more]
nenidjing lawyer vines ; vines, lawyer plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
nerang(g)i(?) Narangy location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nilguwa- barter ; trade Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nima- squeeze Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nimbehr small ; short location Lower Richmond [more]
nimbiny house artifact Lower Richmond [more]
nimbulima- return Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nimerdji(?) semen body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nindunybah Nindooinba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ning quiet ; silent Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ning, ninganah quiet Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ning-ning quiet Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ningba- silent, make ; quieten ; silence Middle Clarence [more]
ningdjang (?) beardless body_part Middle Clarence [more]
ningi-ningi (nindji-nindji) crayfish fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ningwan- quiet, become Middle Clarence [more]
ningwan-, ningwen- quiet, be ; shut up Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nini female Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ninyimir navel body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
niran, nirun snot ; phlegm body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nirgin, nirgany thirsty body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
niril shell fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nirim scab ; scaly patch on skin body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nugal cheek ; jaw ; jawbone ; face body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nugal dalang, nugal-dalahn turtle, white-eared species fish Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nugan container for water artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nugay bee insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nugay thirsty body_part Middle Clarence [more]
nugay bargal bargal native bee, small insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nugay, nuway thirsty body_part Middle Clarence [more]
nugin, nuginy sweat body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nugur blunt Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nuhbilihn Yulgilbar Middle Clarence [more]
nuhma- know ; understand senses Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nulara tears body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
num back, to go ; return Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
num bunda- make (someone) return Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
num guni- return (something) Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
num guyili- return by the way one came Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
numa- dance Middle Clarence [more]
numargin pigeon, green bird Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
numbali- go ; come Gold Coast Tweed [more]
numbihl after ; behind ; back ; back (of something) ; rear location Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
numbuh- come back ; return Gold Coast Tweed [more]
numbuhli- return Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
numbuhnggi- go back ; come back ; return ; turn back ; go home Middle Clarence [more]
numbuhnggilwa- turn around food Middle Clarence [more]
numgal afterwards location Middle Clarence [more]
numgaldjang afterwards ; much later ; later, much location Middle Clarence [more]
numgir day ; midday ; daytime ; daylight natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
numgir-gali, numgirgam early time Middle Clarence [more]
numgir-ngihny person unoccupied for the day people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
numgirbu daily ; every day time Middle Clarence [more]
numgur (namgar, namgur?) day time Lower Richmond [more]
nunduhrgam death adder reptile All [more]
nungam-gali person who is constantly chewing people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nungan wide bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nungany, nuwang food food Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nunguhny love, feeling senses Middle Clarence [more]
nunguhnyma- love senses Middle Clarence [more]
nununggah- kiss Middle Clarence [more]
nurgir near location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nuruy vines ; vine, short length of for climbing trees ; caterpillar, Yellow-jack (Gd) insect Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nuwa- lean Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nuwang food food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nuwang jalanyah crop of bird bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nuway thirsty body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay