Bundjalung Dictionary

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Bundjalung English Category Dialect
burbam raft artifact Middle Clarence [more]
gunduhm rag artifact Middle Clarence [more]
wuluwah rail, saltwater ; saltwater rail bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
daram daram rain natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
galuhn rain natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
guwang rain natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
guwang guwangga- rain natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
guwang-an.ga- rain natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
guwangwen- rain natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jagam rain natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
badjili- rain, to natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jun.gun rain-cloud ; cloud, rain natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gabal-nginy rainforest dweller people Middle Clarence [more]
guwangmil rainy season natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
wayahlima-, wayma- raise ; lift up Middle Clarence [more]
wayma- raise ; lift up Middle Clarence [more]
duranbinyma- raise up ; rear ; bring up Middle Clarence [more]
mulih bahna range of mountains natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
maruy rash ; 'itch, the' ; itchy body_part Middle Clarence [more]
malgam raspberry, wild plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
mandarahm Raspberry, Wild ; Wild Raspberry plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gudjahm rat animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gundar rat animal Middle Clarence [more]
gundjar rat animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
muhrang rat animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gundur, gundjar rat ; bush rat ; rat, bush ; kangaroo species animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gundur rat ; mouse ; rodent animal Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bahmul rat-kangaroo ; kangaroo, rat- animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bahy rat-kangaroo, Rufous (Gd) ; kangaroo rat animal Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
darehrba- rattle Middle Clarence [more]
darehrbay rattling noise plant Middle Clarence [more]
dinggumbay rattling noise Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dulubay rattling noise ; noise, rattling Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dululbay, duluhlbay rattling or echoing noise ; noise, rattling ; noise, echoing artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngahrilihgu ready Gold Coast Tweed [more]
manal ready ; ripe ; cooked food Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
garbahn reciprocal action Gold Coast Tweed [more]
garaban reciprocal action ; one another ; each other Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wuyi-wuyi, wuwi-wuwi reckless people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gudjihn red colour Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
gudjihny red colour Middle Clarence [more]
gudjihny red colour Middle Clarence [more]
gudjin, gudji(h)n, gudji, gudjing red colour Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jayir(i), jahra red colour Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gidji-gidji red bean ; bean, red plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gudjin malu red clay ; clay, red natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gudjing red clay ; red ochre natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nguyagal Red Forest Oak, Rose Sheoak, Forest Oak ; Oak, Forest ; Sheoak, Rose ; Oak, Red Forest plant Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dundul, dunduhl red gum ; gum, red ; narrow-leafed box (Gd:JThomas) plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gudjing, gudjin red ochre ; ochre, red ; paint, red ; red paint ; red pigment ; pigment, red natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gudjir red paint artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahra, jayir(i) red, intense colour All [more]
gudjihng, gudjihny red; red ochre ; red paint ; ochre, red ; paint, red natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
dehlum reed ; reeds plant Lower Richmond [more]
yihnang reed ; reeds plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
giyang, birahla reed- spear ; spear made from reed artifact Lower Richmond [more]
birahla reed-spear artifact Lower Richmond [more]
galgari reeds plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
bandeh, bandi reeds ; rushes plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
galgar, galga reeds ; rushes plant Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
jila, dili reeds ; rushes plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dulun reeds ; rushes ; swamp reeds ; reeds, swamp plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nguruh reflection ; shadow in water ; water, shadow in natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-li, -le reflexive ; antipassive Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
gawuny refreshing Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahng guyguy regular employment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gunyngan (guny.ngan) relation people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wiyang, jambang, yamburu relation-in-law people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambang relation-in-law term people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wiyang relation-in-law term people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
galba relics ; remains bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
binangwan- remember senses Lower Richmond [more]
yagahli-gubih repair man people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
windja reply if a person is asked to do anything against his will Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-ginggi- resemble ; act like ; like (be) ; similar, be Middle Clarence [more]
guyguy yahn- reside semi-permanently Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngarbinydja resident in a place with expectancy of getting married people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
man.gur resin ; gum ; edible sap plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gihng respect senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ginyira- rest Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gandili- rest one's head on something artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahny bira- retort ; answer quickly language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nimbulima- return Gold Coast Tweed [more]
numbuhli- return Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yan.giwaba- return Lower Richmond [more]
num guni- return (something) Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
num guyili- return by the way one came Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dan.ge(h) Ribbon Gum ; Shining Gum ; Gum, Shining ; Gum, Ribbon plant Lower Richmond, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngamanggah- ride ; copulate with ; have sex with body_part Middle Clarence [more]
wumbeh- ride ; sex (have) body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
bahm gudja- ridicule ; poke fun at Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yigi right ; level ; equal to Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
judjah right down Middle Clarence [more]
janinba right hand ; hand, right body_part Lower Richmond [more]
junimbal right hand ; right side body_part Middle Clarence [more]
gagahyudjang right here ; here, right location Middle Clarence [more]
bami right now time Middle Clarence [more]
ngulung-djahng right now ; straight away time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junimbah right-hand side Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bugam ripe plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
manal(u)wen- ripen plant Middle Clarence [more]
gargarbay ripples ; movement of running water ; running water, movement of natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bahrwa- rise ; appear ; arrive All [more]
yan.gay rising tide natural_environment All [more]
birang ritual scars on back language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gumban ritual scars on breast ; scars on breast, ritual body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junim river natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyuring river natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
balun river ; creek ; Milky Way natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
ngihrgil river bank ; bank, river natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
gungwehra river tea tree ; tea tree, river plant Middle Clarence [more]
bin.gihng river turtle ; turtle, river ; turtle (generic) (Gd) fish Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waril river, big natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bahdjab roar (of the sea) ; sea???s roar natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
marba- roast (burn) ; boil food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julim-julim Robin, Yellow bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nayiny, ngahny (?) Robin, Yellow ; Yellow Robin bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gambilmuy (?) rock natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
manal rock ;{ hard ; baked natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dawgay rock ; rock, flat patch of (Gd) natural_environment Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bilmah rock ; rocks natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
daraw, darahw, dehyu rock ; stone natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dehyu, dahyu rock ; stone natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
garu rock ; stone ; stones natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
jahnunggal rock wallaby ; wallaby, rock animal Middle Clarence [more]
juruy, juhruy rock wallaby ; wallaby, rock animal Middle Clarence [more]
ganduhl-gali rock, big (GC) ; name of a high rocky knoll in Numinbah Valley (Ngr) ; Numinbah Valley, name of a high rocky knoll in (Ngr) location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wulungar rock, large ; rocks (?) natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gaway (?) rocks natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wawang (?) rocks natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jigindjay, jiginydjay Rocky River, name of place along (where a spirit lives) ; name of place along Rocky River where a spirit lives location Middle Clarence [more]
bawur-biriny Rocky River, name of place on the location Middle Clarence [more]
guhrawa- roll Gold Coast Tweed [more]
guyuwa- roll Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahndjari-, wahnydjari- roll ; turn ; change ; turn into ; change in form (transitive) ; change direction one faces (intransitive) Middle Clarence [more]
wayandjar root plant Middle Clarence [more]
waran, wayan, wehn root of tree ; road plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wehn, wayan, waran root of tree ; road ; hip ; pelvis plant All [more]
wayan, wehn, waran root of tree ; road ; hips (Y:Hanln) plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayan.gir (wayan-gir) root of tree or plant plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambinbin root sucker plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ginanbun root, native ; native rot plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bugur rope ; string ; fishing line artifact Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagabar rope ; vine artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
guhgur Rose Maple ; Pigeonberry Ash plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
badjirgan rotten food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
garul rotten Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
budjarundjam rotten (of trees) plant Middle Clarence [more]
bugaw rotten ; putrid ; stinking ; smelling vile (meat) ; vile-smelling (of meat) senses Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bugahw rotten ; smelling ; stinking senses Middle Clarence [more]
bundur rough plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
muruhgi rough food Middle Clarence [more]
ganggar bundur Rough-necked turtle ; Bull-necked turtle ; turtle, Bull-necked ; turtle, Rough-necked fish Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
balin, buluhny round Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gumbi round Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wungan-wungan round about ; crooked ways ; astray location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
buluny round and fat Lower Richmond [more]
wangan round the other side ; on the other side out of sight location Middle Clarence [more]
jurahrba- row ; paddle bird Middle Clarence [more]
gandul-gubih rowlocks artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabulgan-gubih rowlocks artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
duruma- rub ; wipe Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dihn-dihn rubbish from flood natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
girar rum ; alcohol food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
duhny ba- rumble (of stomach) body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mandi- run reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gawari-, gohri- run ; blow (of wind) ; flow (of water) ; go round (run?) ; slip natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gehlgawari-, gehlgohri- run ; go round ; run round Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ngagihndi- run away Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
galgawari-, gehlgohri- run away ; flee ; fear ; dread senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gawandi- run with ; run away with ; take running ; go away with Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
ganaybah Russell Island location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay