English: tree, tree trunk, log, logs, stick
Part of Speech: noun
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: plant
Comment: Generic term for 'tree'; can take accusative case suffix for emphasis Gd; plural jali-gali, jali-jalih Wa; logs (lying down), firewood, general word for 'tree, wood'; also contrasts with 'top, branches, root, leaves'; Wi:Curr:Richmd possibly gali, which is recorded in Genyan also by a more reliable speller.
Gold Coast Tweed: M:Liv c'ulle; Ng:Curr:TwD:Bray tally tree, talley wood, wibra wood; Ng:Sc:Cudgn tulley wood; Y:Sha:Culhm tree, branch, stick; Y:Holm:QLong wood, stick, tree; Y:Allen tullei tree, bridge, tallei wood (tree); Y:Watsn t
Lower Richmond: Bj:TMcD:Morgn jeli stick, jali tree;Wi:Holm:Fergn djali; Bj:Sc:Coraki tulle (used after all tree names in this list); Wi:Curr:Lism thalby wood; Wi:Curr:Richmd gallee wood; ; Ny:Curr:Ballina thalley; Ny:Sc:Ballina3/1903 challey wood;
South West: Wa:Crowl; We:Crowl , We:Gordn tree; Cas:Smy djali;
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Geyt tree; Gd:Sc:JThomas UClarnce challae trees ; Gn:Mathew kadli tree, kali wood
Bundjalung : Wanah wandeh ngahny jali. (from W)
English: 'Don't climb the tall trees.'
Bundjalung : Munu ngayal ngadju wangahyu jaliyu duwani. (from W)
English: 'I dug the ground with your stick there.'
Bundjalung : Ngay behn jalingu malahnu. (from W)
English: 'I fell out of the tree.'
Bundjalung : Ngadju wandini jali ngubuh. (from W)
English: 'I climbed the tree yesterday.'
Bundjalung : Mala baygal wandehla munahya jaliya. (from W)
English: 'The man is climbing the tree.'