English: shiny, bright, lamp, light, light (of fire, artificial light), shine, white, reflection
Part of Speech: adjective, noun
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: natural_environment
Comment: Y:Allen gives both jalngay and jalngay-an.ga-; could be dalngay, but is jalngay in Gd etc.; cf. jalgay; one of Holmer's informants gives jalgany 'lightning', cf. jalngany.
Gold Coast Tweed: Y:Holm djalngai light, sun (Fogty, Jfogty); Y:Allen talngai white, bright (flame), pr talngai, p talngaien, pf talngaian, f talngaiangala light (shine); Y:Watsn tal'ngai, tal'-ngai white, artificial light; tyal'ngai bright; AT:Curr:LandsWh qangay, AT:Curr:JOConn tchalgi light of fire; talgi
South West: Wa:Crowl shiny;
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Geyt shiny , brigh , lamp , light ;