English: totem spirit-being (Gd), familiar spirit, spirit being (Cowln)
Part of Speech: adjective
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: language
Comment: Clever, also listed as 'bad place - evil' (Wu), any place with strong mythical associations (Wa), cave (Holm:Turnbl); Turnbull's probably sacred place as generally in the language, not necessarily a cave.
Lower Richmond: Bj:TMcD:Cowln jurbhihl spirit being; Bj:Hom:Turnbl djurbi:l cave
South West: Wa:Crowl; Cas:Smy djurbi:l familiar spirit;
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Geyt; Gd:Calley djurbil bad place - evil , clever ;