English: scratch or scrape (the skin), pinch, dig out, root out
Part of Speech: verb transitive
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: body_part
Comment: mandany 'an itch, scratch' (Gd), mandan 'itch'; 'scratch, dig out, pinch' Y:Watsn; Y:Allen and Y:Watsn possibly munda-. Mandalehla 'scratching' (Y:Sha:Culhm).
Gold Coast Tweed: Y:Sha:Culhm scratch; Y:Allen pr munda , p mundani , pf mundian, f mulndala scratch; Y:Allen pr munda , p mundani , pf mundian , f mundala pinch; pr mundan , p mundanen , pf mundanian , f mundala root out; Y:Watsn mun'dan; mun'danen; mun'danian; mun'd
Lower Richmond: Bj:Holm:Fergn manda-, mandali, mandalila
South West: Wa:Crowl; We:Gordn scratch; Cas:Smy mand-a scratch, pinch ;
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Geyt scratch ;
Bundjalung : Mandani maliyu dabahydju. (from W)
English: 'The dog scratched you.'
Bundjalung : Ngadju gahny mandahny bagul malahya jaliya. (from W)
English: 'I'll scrape the bark off the tree.'