English: freshwater perch, perch
mugihm, mugim
Part of Speech: noun
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: fish
Comment: Plural mugihmngen (Gd); JThomas lists as bream ; madjir (?) in GC:Talleb:police, q.v.; possibly magim in Y:Allen. Possibly mugihm as in most dialects (Wi).
Gold Coast Tweed: Y:Sha:Culhm mugihm , Y:Allen mogim; Y:Watsn m
Lower Richmond: Wi:Curr:Richmond mogim ;
South West: Wa:Crowl; We:Gordn; Cas:Smy mugi:m ;
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Geyt; Gd:Sc:JThomas UClarnce mougim bream
Copmanhurst: Cop:Hargrv mugim fish ;