English: yesterday, tomorrow, one day away (past or future)
Bundjalung: ngubu
Part of Speech: time
Related Words:
With same English translation:  
Category: time
Comment: i.e. one day removed from the present. Can specify 'tomorrow' using ngubudjang (M:Liv). Gn has ba-ngubu 'tomorrow', ngububu 'yesterday' and bangubu 'tomorrow' (Gn); ngubugan 'morning'.
Gold Coast Tweed: Y:Sha:Culhm ngubu yesterday, tomorrow; Y:Holm ngubu Logn, tomorrow Fogty; Y:Allen mobo tomorrow, mobobo yesterday; Y:Watsn m
Lower Richmond: Bj:Sha:Turnbl ngubu; Bj:LWilsn ngubu; Bj:TMcD nguhbu tomorrow(?) yesterday(?); Bj:Holm:Fergn, Turnbl ngubu yesterday, tomorrow; Wi:Curr:Lismore nooba yesterday Wi:Curr:Richmond nobau yesterday, nobau tomorrow; Ny:Curr:Ballina wobbo yesterday, tomorrow, wooboo by-and-by; Bj:Sha:Turnbl ngubu warbu
South West: Wa:Crowl ngubu;Wa:Calley ngubu tomorrow ; Cas:Smy ; ngubu
Condamine Upper Clarence: Gd:Sci:Woodnbng noboo; Gn:JMathew bangubu tomorrow , ngububu yesterday; Gd:Sc:JThomas UClarnce noopeboo to-morrow , nooreboo warreboo yesterday ; Gn:Mathew bangubu tomorrow ;

Bundjalung : ngubuh gunah (from G)

English: 'yesterday' (this unseen one day off)


Bundjalung : ngubuhwar (from G)

English: 'two days away'


Bundjalung : ngubuh-ya (from G)

English: 'ignorant, greenhorn'


Bundjalung : ngubu warbu (from Gd:JThoma)

English: 'yesterday'


Bundjalung : ba-ngubu (from G)

English: 'tomorrow'


Bundjalung : ngububu (from G)

English: 'yesterday'

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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay