English: show, guide, teach
nyuhmba-, nyumba-
Part of Speech: verb
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Comment: = point out (Y:Hanln), Gd has nyumba-, C nyuhmba-; both also state these forms are from miyumba- 'show'.
Gold Coast Tweed: Y:Allen pr nyumbar , p nyumbarni , pf nyumbarlian , f nyumbarla show , guide; pr nyeumba , p nyeumbani , pf nyeumbayan , f nyeumbayala teach; Y:Watsn nyum'bar , nyum'barni , nyum 'barlian, nyum'barla guide; nyeum'ba; nyeum'bani ; nyeum'bayan; nyeum'bayala teach; nyum'bar; nyum'barn