English: sit, sit down, stay, live, dwell
Bundjalung: yehn-, yehn- (yehna-, yehn.ga-) (Wi, Ny)
Part of Speech: verb intransitive
Related Words:
With same English translation:  
Comment: yahn- (M) ; Wi:Curr:Lismore forms probably variant pronunciations: yehn- and yahn: first sugests yehna-, second yahndur; with -dur a past tense suffix; inflected form yahn.gali- (M:Liv) ; sit or sit down, stay, live, stop, irreg; stay in one place, be seated or be in process of sitting down; yehn.galah 'sitting' (We). yahn- etc. in northern dialects.
Gold Coast Tweed: M:Liv yana; yangale
Lower Richmond: Bj:Sha:Turnbl ye:na; Bj:TMcD:Cowln yehn.ga sit , yehnala sitting down; Bj:Holm:Fergn yina- , yinbigu , yinbi; yinga- , yingani , yingan , yingin , yingala , yingan , yingilur , yinginan; Wi:Curr:Lismore yelna , yundur sit; Ny:Sha:DCook yehna , yehnalah , yehnan ngay; Ny:Curr:Ballina yeanna sit;
South West: Wa:Crowl; We:Gordn; Wu:Calley jena? sit down, jein.gala sit down ; Cas:Smy je:n-a, jen.g

Bundjalung : Wuya yehna. (from Bj:Holm:Ferg)

English: 'Sit down.'

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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay