English: where (to), somewhere, in what place?, some place
yila (Bj), yile (Ny), yili (M)
Part of Speech: interrogative locative
Related Words:
With same English translation:
Category: location
Comment: Wi:Curr:Lismore possibly yube; M lists as what place?, some place.
Gold Coast Tweed: M:Liv yilly what place , same place; Ng:Curr:TwPtD:Bray ille where ; Y:Holm yila where
Lower Richmond: Bj:Sha:Turnbl yila; Bj:Holm:Fergn yila; Wi:Curr:Lismore yubae bygal? Where are the Blacks?; Ny:Curr:Ballina ille bygle? Where are the Blacks? ;
Bundjalung : Yila wuhye yanbalehla? (from Bj:Hol)
English: 'Where are you going?'
Bundjalung : Yila nyula? (from Bj:Hol)
English: 'Where is he?'
Bundjalung : Yila wuhye yanbalehla ngargu? (from Bj:Holm:Turnb)
English: 'Where are you going to hunt?'