Terry Crowley23b
Collected by Terry Crowley
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Time aligned Transcription:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Trans SYSTEM "trans-13.dtd">
<Trans scribe="admin" audio_filename="01 Crowley 3222B" version="1" version_date="130308">
<Speaker id="spk1" name="Ethel Walker" check="no" dialect="native" accent="" scope="local"/>
<Speaker id="spk2" name="Ned Walker" check="no" dialect="native" accent="" scope="local"/>
<Speaker id="spk3" name="Terry Crowley" check="no" dialect="native" accent="" scope="local"/>
<Section type="report" startTime="0" endTime="3671.2265625">
<Turn startTime="0" endTime="7.69">
<Sync time="0"/>
Archive Tape number 3222 Track A Side 1 of field tape number 2 recorded by Terry Crowley
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="7.69" endTime="24.901">
<Sync time="7.69"/>
Yanganiyahra mahnyu Yanganiyahra mahnyu gadjiguywiya
<Sync time="13.725"/>
mahyn wagan wagan mahyn yanganeh
<Sync time="18.573"/>
that means... bring em? cook em?
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="24.901" endTime="29.045">
<Sync time="24.901"/>
How would you catch it
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="29.045" endTime="34.189">
<Sync time="29.045"/>
Ganyahlu ngali namahla ganyahlu ( catch we capture/catch catch)
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="34.189" endTime="39.168">
<Sync time="34.189"/>
How would you use the ?ganyahla
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="39.168" endTime="46.466">
<Sync time="39.168"/>
Birahlaga djambathu ganyahla birahla djambathu (fish- try to catch... try to)
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="46.466" endTime="48.622">
<Sync time="46.466"/>
fetched out the water
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="48.622" endTime="54.117">
<Sync time="48.622"/>
Buhwilahgu male buhwilha yang, (pull out that pull out this way)
<Sync time="51.595"/>
gawulung bahnybiyn mala (long way ??? that
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="54.117" endTime="64.483">
<Sync time="54.117"/>
get the fish out.. and you take em home
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="64.483" endTime="77.223">
<Sync time="64.483"/>
Yahnggayn ngali waybargubu gahbu yahngnayn mahnyi djarwahyn (?go we fire- ?greedy ?go ?those close ?eat)
<Sync time="73.118"/>
guybahnyngay guybahyn waybare (cook I cook fire?)
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="77.223" endTime="78.404">
<Sync time="77.223"/>
How would you cook it?
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="78.404" endTime="85.58">
<Sync time="78.404"/>
Waybareh waybare dimande that means cook em on the coals
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="85.58" endTime="92.391">
<Sync time="85.58"/>
Would you open it up (yeh) how would you clean it?
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="92.391" endTime="102.324">
<Sync time="92.391"/>
Mahnyu warah burah munduya warah burah munduya ...that means take em guts out of the belly ( ?take guts remove stomach-at )
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="102.324" endTime="106.664">
<Sync time="102.324"/>
Throw em on the ground, throw em to the dogs... throw em away
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="106.664" endTime="110.997">
<Sync time="106.664"/>
Birah mahyn birah that's throw them away
<Turn speaker="spk3" startTime="110.997" endTime="117.309">
<Sync time="110.997"/>
Then I suppose you take it out the fire...
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="117.309" endTime="163.331">
<Sync time="117.309"/>
Burahyga mahnya majimah waringbinywanbi ... that means coals
<Sync time="125.567"/>
ngehngaleh djelehga
<Sync time="135.312"/>
eat em
<Sync time="137.613"/>
djalehl eat
<Sync time="141.064"/>
<Turn speaker="spk1" startTime="163.331" endTime="3671.2265625">
<Sync time="163.331"/>
Nyang ngali
<Sync time="196.142"/>
You talking about going down the river are you
<Sync time="227.996"/>
<Sync time="263.647"/>
I want someone to answer me , I gotta say over there that means going over there yilawila ngay
<Sync time="275.023"/>
Gila ngali yan.gay nyaliyah gila yabay wurrarr ganyalubandiya
<Sync time="300.293"/>
You could said that, that's for me to say itover again ......
<Sync time="323.221"/>
<Sync time="340.39"/>
<Sync time="359.129"/>
?Jinggi wala mala matha wana balanhu
<Sync time="377.524"/>
Well I heard them
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