Bundjalung Dictionary

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Bundjalung English Category Dialect
jabuhba Tabooba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabirgalba(h) Tabragalba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahlubal Tabulam dialect language Middle Clarence [more]
jabilum Tabulum location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gandi- take (Gn) Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyah-nyah-nyah! take care ; be careful Gold Coast Tweed [more]
garihma- take care of ; care for Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhnba- talk language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wulah talk language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gurgunma- talk (to someone) language Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gurbun talk ; talking language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gurgun.gali talker ; talkative people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gurahna tall (tree) plant Middle Clarence [more]
garahr tall ; long Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gurahr, guraleg tall ; long Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
jalubadjuru Tallabudgeree location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangay Tallow-wood plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dam birihn Tamborine location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ngagam tame dog ; dog (tame) animal Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gidjihr tan colour colour Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bandji-, banydji- tap ; hammer Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
narahmiri tarantula spider ; spider, tarantula All [more]
magundja- taste body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nahng taste body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wagalgu taste food Lower Richmond [more]
jahdjam Tatham location Middle Clarence [more]
biran-an.ga- tattoo language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gibar, gibir tawny colour colour Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junir-junir tawny frogmouth ; frogmouth, tawny bird Lower Richmond [more]
mumbir-mumbir Tawny Frogmouth ; Frogmouth, Tawny bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bumbah, bumbay taylor fish ; tailer fish ; poomboy fish fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
balbul tea tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bulam tea tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bulam, bulambil tea tree plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
bulihm tea tree plant Lower Richmond, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gunggayargah tea tree ; ti tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
ngulumga tea tree ; ti tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
gungguyar tea tree species plant Middle Clarence [more]
wudjur(u) tea-tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
buram yanbuhny teacher of the law ; law, teacher of the people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyirgibay teaching for initiation through First Rule of the tribal Law ; initiation through First Rule of the tribal Law, teaching for language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yagir teak tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
yaguri teak tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gadjigan teak tree ; tree, teak plant Lower Richmond [more]
dibahl team ; group bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dunmana- tear Gold Coast Tweed [more]
marba- tear ; shred food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nulara tears body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nyalar tears body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mulganma- tease artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gindiny-gindihny teasy ; fretful senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gindiny-gali (gindinygali) teasy ; fretful person people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngaburay teenage woman ; woman, teenage people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
galigir teenage youth people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dirang, jirang teeth body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jirang, dirang, diyang, jiyang (?) teeth body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dirang giyuhmbiny teeth 'on edge' senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dilaman Telemon location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gudja- tell language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
binangma- tell ; hear, make to ; answer language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wuhba- tell ; order ; command language Middle Clarence [more]
gawarima- tell ; relate language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nganydjar buhyi- tell a lie ; lie language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nganydjarma- tell a lie ; lie language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyalagingga- tell a lie ; lie Lower Richmond [more]
budjaram gawari- tell a story ; story, tell a language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
budja- tell lies ; gossip language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mindjima- tell slander ; slander language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yumbir ma- tell the truth Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nguyma- tell truth Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyula-nyula telling lies ; lying Gold Coast Tweed [more]
muhmbilihn Tenterfield location Middle Clarence [more]
wahwar teredo worm ; worm, teredo insect Middle Clarence [more]
jilil, jiyil termite insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahgar termite ; white ant ; ant, white insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jiyil, jilil termite ; white ant ; ant, white insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
deranora Terranora location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
buhl testicles body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
manmuru testicles body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-nyi than ; for fear of ; fear of (for) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gugundeh that reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gundeh that Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
maga that Lower Richmond [more]
mahmu that natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
munahmba that Middle Clarence [more]
gila that (distant) visible language Middle Clarence [more]
munu that (general area) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
male that (near you, a little way off) Middle Clarence [more]
mangga that (Ny) ; there somewhere (M:Liv) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
mala, mamala, male (Wi), mali, mamali, male etc. (M) that (one) ; he ; there Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
mamali that (visible) All [more]
may that ; there (?) Middle Clarence [more]
mala that close (near hearer, visible) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gila, gigila (Wi), gile (Wi), gili (M, Ng) that distant visible Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
gile that distant, in sight of the speaker ; yonder ; that far away Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mayah that invisible (not there before (Wa)) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
male, mala, mali that near (Gd) ; in sight of the speaker (Gd) ; that close, near hearer, visible (Wa) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mayu that near hearer (out of sight) ; that, there(?) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahya that previously distant, known or presumed moved since last seen by the speaker Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mali/male, mamali, male, etc. that there Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gahbagan that time ; time, that time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mayahgan that time ; time, that Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
malah that way near ; general direction ; direction, general ; close, reasonably ; reasonably close location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gingilawna that will do ; go away Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gahba that yonder (invisible) ; that known or presumed distant, not in sight of the speaker (Gd) ; that (distant) invisible (formerly present) (Wa) Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gili that yonder ; that far away ; there far away Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-beh then Lower Richmond [more]
gundehgal then time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gagah there Lower Richmond [more]
malagu there Gold Coast Tweed [more]
may, mamay there Lower Richmond [more]
gahngun there (distant exact area not in sight of the speaker) location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gah there ; exact area ; distant ; in sight of the speaker ; it ; they there location Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gundeh, gugundeh there ; over there ; yonder Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gundeh, gugundeh there ; over there ; yonder Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahnyula there ; where (?) location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gundeh there ; yonder ; then location Middle Clarence [more]
gahye there distant, general area, not in sight of the speaker ; in context of other than present time location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahri, gahli there invisible ; gone (away) ; disappeared Middle Clarence [more]
maye there near (general area, not in the sight of the speaker) location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
madjungun there near (out of sight) location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
madji there near (visible) location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahri there, general area not in sight of speaker (Wa,Gd) ; in context of present time (Gd) location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahganah (?) thereabout Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gahmban these Middle Clarence [more]
ganyeh, ganyih these (not in the sight of the speaker) (Gd) ; these close, invisible, not present before Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahnyu, gahny these persons or things in sight of the speaker ; they ; these ; this near (probably close to the speaker, visible) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janabang they Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janabi, janabeh they Gold Coast Tweed [more]
mihr they Middle Clarence [more]
nginggalama (?) they Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nyulamang they Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
yulamang they plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyulamanggan they (feminine) Middle Clarence [more]
binang jumbur thick headed feeling senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wudjurbuny thief people Lower Richmond [more]
wurgay thief people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dalumgan thigh body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jurumbay thigh body_part Middle Clarence [more]
marang thigh body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juruhnbay thigh ; upper leg ; leg, upper body_part Middle Clarence [more]
bundjin thin people Middle Clarence [more]
duyul thin Middle Clarence [more]
galehl thin Middle Clarence [more]
yargehny thin Middle Clarence [more]
yargihny thin Middle Clarence [more]
deyul thin ; emaciated body_part Middle Clarence [more]
bargahn thin ; underweight body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-gubih thing used ; function ; thing Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-ny thing/person acted on by a verb ; person/thing acted on by a verb Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
darim thirst body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngabnuy (?) thirsty body_part Middle Clarence [more]
ngawuny thirsty body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nirgin, nirgany thirsty body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
nugay thirsty body_part Middle Clarence [more]
nugay, nuway thirsty body_part Middle Clarence [more]
nuway thirsty body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
gala(h)ni this Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gunahmba this animal Middle Clarence [more]
wangbihn (?) this (?) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gale this (in sight of the speaker) ; this near me Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gala, gale (Bj), gali (M, Ng), gagali, gale, etc. (M), galaba (Wi) this (one) ; here Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond Listen [more]
gangga this ; he out there Lower Richmond [more]
gahm, gahmu this ; here (?) Middle Clarence [more]
gunah this ; known or presumed here, but not in sight of the speaker (Gd) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gagali this close (visible) All [more]
gunayri this side (Gn) Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yanggirmay this side (of) location Middle Clarence [more]
gunahgan this time time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
galah this way general direction location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gidja this/that is the way it happened ; introducer ; narrative marker language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gilahgu thither ; there Lower Richmond [more]
barany thorn plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wulanybil thorn plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
galinbi thorny vine (cockspur) ; cockspur (thorny vine) ; Tallebudgera township site name plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
mahm those Lower Richmond [more]
munahmir those (close) invisible (formerly present) Middle Clarence [more]
gahbamir those (distant) invisible (formerly present) Middle Clarence [more]
mahny, mahnyu those (near you, not far away) Middle Clarence [more]
mamahny those (visible) All [more]
mahmban those all Middle Clarence [more]
mahnyu, mahny, mamahny, mamahnyu those close to hearer (visible) ; those (visible) ; those near ; they Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahnye, gahnyi those distant not in sight of the speaker (Gd) ; those invisible not there before (Wa) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gahm, gahmu, gagahm, gagahmu those distant, visible ; they, those ; those yonder (probably in sight) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
guguna those invisible or distant Lower Richmond [more]
manyeh, manyih those known or presumed near, not in sight of the speaker Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-bal those who say Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
gagah those yonder (?) ; yonder, those Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gagahm(u) those yonder (in sight) ; yonder, those (in sight) All [more]
bulahbu yabur three Middle Clarence [more]
buruhr yabura three body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bawa- throw Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bira- throw away ; throw ; fly away ; spit out or throw something whether or not a target is actually aimed at or hit Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
murambany throwing stick ; stick, throwing artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
murambin throwing stick ; stick, throwing artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambahdj thumb body_part Middle Clarence [more]
duluma(h) thumb (M) ; toe, big (N) ; big toe (N) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
duluma thumb ; toe, big ; big toe body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
dugal thunder natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
migar thunder natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
migubal, miguwal thunder natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
mihngba- thunder natural_environment Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
muhgar thunder natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
gidj-gidj tickle Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gidj-gidj ba- tickle Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gidj-gidjba- tickle Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yehyin (yehny?), yangi (yangay) tide, rising natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gangi- tie up ; bind Middle Clarence [more]
ganggehny time of woman's purification after child-birth language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-gan time suffix time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahnyngil time, in the nick of time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngawiny, ngawing tired ; breathing ; panting body_part Lower Richmond [more]
jihwar tired ; fed up ; weary of body_part Middle Clarence [more]
girihny tired ; stiff ; cramped ; weary senses Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mih bube tired eye ; eye, tired body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jihwarwan- tired of, become Middle Clarence [more]
nyuruhng biray tired person ; fatigued person people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-Na to Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-ba to ; towards Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-mir to ; towards Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mibandja- to be jealous (?of) senses Middle Clarence [more]
guriwuli- to be sick body_part Copmanhurs [more]
jilamuna- to float ? Middle Clarence [more]
gandji-, gandjili-, ganydji(li)- to get married language Copmanhurs [more]
guwang badji- to rain hard natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
mul tobacco plant Middle Clarence [more]
jumbagah tobacco ; cigarette ; cigar plant Middle Clarence [more]
bahny today time Gold Coast Tweed [more]
dubin today time Middle Clarence [more]
gili today time Copmanhurs [more]
bayahny, barahny, bahny today ; right away ; now time Gold Coast Tweed [more]
guhng, guhnggan toddler people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
baradjaruny (?) toe body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
nyugambil toe body_part Copmanhurs [more]
yinang toe ; toes body_part Middle Clarence [more]
yalyal jinang (?) toe, big (?) ; big toe (?) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
berang toes (JThomas) body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bulah-bulah together Middle Clarence [more]
wagal tomahawk artifact Copmanhurs [more]
bandahn tomahawk ; axe, stone ; axe, small ; rock ; stone for tomahawk ; stones artifact Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
gulman tomahawk ; stone axe artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bandahn.gul tomahawk cut ; cut (from tomahawk) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bulibiny tomahawk, stone ; stone tomahawk artifact Lower Richmond [more]
damgay Tomki location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bangubu tomorrow time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngubudjang tomorrow time Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
duruhm tongue body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gilge tongue body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurgung tongue body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
yalany tongue body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bagar too ; often ; too much Middle Clarence [more]
duluhm Tooloom location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumbulgah Toomboolgah location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
dirang tooth body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirang tooth ; teeth body_part Lower Richmond [more]
ngambil top Middle Clarence [more]
waygan top location Middle Clarence [more]
ngahny top ; summit natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
barahybil top ; summit ; peak natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
-nguy, -ngu, -ng topic change Middle Clarence [more]
nguy topic marker Lower Richmond [more]
guyuhng bira- toss up into the air Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bahm yanbay totem language Lower Richmond [more]
jurbihl totem spirit-being (Gd) ; spirit, familiar ; spirit being (Cowln) language Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
munyi-, munay-an.ga- touch ; feel body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
yanggan tough ; solid fish Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngahri-gubih toy artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gunahbu track natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarahr-an.ga- track natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
yaruhn track ; road ; spoor natural_environment Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahdjar track ; trail ; spoor animal Lower Richmond [more]
jarana track of a foot natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
jinang juhla- track something Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gulgan track, beaten ; track ; beaten track ; road ; footpath ; spoor ; track of a foot ; footprint natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyirgi ba- train someone for initiation through the First Rule language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
mundang trap ; net made from bark fibre (usually of the Flame Kurrajong) artifact Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
guyili- travel ; move fish Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
banga- tread (Smy) ; tread on (Smy) ; trample (Smy) Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jali, jaliger tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
-gir tree (arboreal) enclitic ; arboreal enclitic plant Middle Clarence [more]
gawundjar tree ; stick ; pipe (tobacco) plant Middle Clarence [more]
jali tree ; tree trunk ; log ; logs ; stick plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gali tree ; wood plant Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
buyugulan tree goanna ; goanna, tree reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ngaluh tree goanna ; goanna, tree reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
diriyahn tree of the Grevillea family ; Grevillea species plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
migin tree species (tall, rough bark) plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
balingbang (?) tree with a lot of lumps on it plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gadjirah tree(?) plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bunggabi tree, big plant Lower Richmond [more]
ngarul tree, box ; box tree species ; gum-topped box tree ; boxwood plant Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
garanbahng tree, Corkwood ; Corkwood tree plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambulgir tree, fig ; fig tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
mibany-mibany Tree, Native Tamarind ; Tamarind Tree, Native plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gireh Tree, Pink Box ; Pink Box Tree plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nyugargah (?) tree, tea ; tea tree plant Copmanhurs [more]
barahy-biny tree-top ; not much ; not very plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-ga(h) tree/shrub suffix ; shrub/tree suffix plant Middle Clarence [more]
durali- tremble body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janbin(y) trevally (fish) fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambin(y) trevally fish ; fish, trevally fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ganar tribal battle ; war ; battle ; fight ; fight with spears language Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gandang tribal name language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gahrbarbu-, gahrbabuli- trot animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaranggehny trousers artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jaranggihny, jaranggehny trousers artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jaranggihn, jaranggihny, jaranggan trousers artifact Lower Richmond [more]
nguy true ; truly ; real ; actual ; indeed Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gunggi- try Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jamba- try Middle Clarence [more]
jambama- try Gold Coast Tweed [more]
yahgulguma- try Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gundi- try (for some obvious reason) Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
maguni- try ; attempt Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambaguni-, jambanggi- try ; attempt ; succeed Middle Clarence [more]
gaguni- try ; practise Middle Clarence [more]
guni- try to do something Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalwahng tullawong (Pied Bell-Magpie) ; Currawong bird Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalwang, jarwang tullawong ; currawong bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarwan tullawong ; currawong bird Middle Clarence [more]
jarwang, jalwang tullawong ; currawong bird Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
galaginggi- tum round this way ; look this way Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambulgam Tumbulgum location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gugubuny turkey bird Middle Clarence [more]
mahgun turkey, brush bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gugabi turkey, brush ; brush turkey bird Copmanhurs [more]
wagun turkey, brush ; turkey, scrub ; scrub turkey ; brush turkey ; Bustard bird Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bamguwa- turn Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gayawa- turn (round) Lower Richmond [more]
malaginggi-, malagini- turn ; look the other way Gold Coast Tweed [more]
numbuhnggilwa- turn around food Middle Clarence [more]
ngagilima- turn into Middle Clarence [more]
jarugin.gi- turn into rock Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wungan jari- (wungandjari-) turn oneself over ; fall over ; capsize ; turn around Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
guyahwa- turn over ; revolve Middle Clarence [more]
wungan.ginggi- turn round Gold Coast Tweed [more]
damgur turning point food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
diranybah Turranbar location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
gumbahn turtle fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bin.gihn, bingging turtle ; turtle, swamp (mc) fish Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
binggihng turtle, big fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bin.giny(gir) turtle, fresh water ; fresh water turtle fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ngunyuhm turtle, long-necked fish Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bin.ging turtle, river ; tortoise fish Middle Clarence [more]
bin.giny, bin.gihny turtle, short-necked ; turtle, fresh water ; fresh water turtle ; short-necked turtle fish Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
nugal dalang, nugal-dalahn turtle, white-eared species fish Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
gugay Tweed River (M) location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabuhbari Tweed River tribe people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
bulahnday twins people Middle Clarence [more]
bulanday(gan) twins people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
guruny-guruny twisted ; irregular All [more]
baluhbar two natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
bulahr two Copmanhurs [more]
buruhr two Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bulah two ; both people Middle Clarence [more]
burul, burur two ; both body_part Middle Clarence [more]
bulah(bu) two ; pair Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
bulahbu two ; they two Middle Clarence [more]
ngubuhwar two days away ; day after tomorrow ; day before yesterday time Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalgam Tyalgum location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
-buhny typified by Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-gali typified by ; fond of people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay