Bundjalung Dictionary

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Word List

Bundjalung English Category Dialect
-wa continuous action ; repetitive action Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-wa go Middle Clarence [more]
-wahr but Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
-wan become ; be Middle Clarence [more]
-war emphatic particle Middle Clarence [more]
-way emphatic particle language Middle Clarence [more]
wa! beware, watch out! Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wa, a exclamation of surprise Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wa, wah look out! ; beware! Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waba- look around for ; search here and there for ; glance about to find something ; peer ; peep ; spy on senses Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wabal-gali peeping Tom people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wabamaridju mud natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wabay peep senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wabum mud natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wabuny, wabunygan sister, younger people Middle Clarence [more]
wadja no Copmanhurs [more]
wadjahbin dog animal Lower Richmond [more]
wadjam squirrel glider ; scorpion animal Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wadjam (waram?) scorpion insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wadjam, waryam shark fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wadjeru, wadjir fat body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
wadji- speak ; say ; talk ; tell (to do something) ; tell someone something ; tell ; inform ; order ; ask language Middle Clarence [more]
wadji-wadji- encourage Middle Clarence [more]
wadjih-gali chatterbox people Middle Clarence [more]
wadjir, wudjir fat ; grease food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wadjung(gan), wayun(g), wihyang mother-in-law people Middle Clarence [more]
wadjung, wadjang, wayung mother ; mother's sister ; aunt, maternal people Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wadjung, wadjangbir mother ; mother's sister ; aunt, maternal people Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
wadjung- mother people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagahy (Gd), wagay (Wa) spirit of a living person ; person's spirit (living person) language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagal flavour ; taste food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagal tomahawk artifact Copmanhurs [more]
wagalgu taste food Lower Richmond [more]
wagan march fly (NG:Gresty) ; fly, ordinary (Fowlr) insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wagany catfish fish Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagar axe ; axe, small ; tomahawk artifact Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
wagay fire food Copmanhurs [more]
wagay scrub vines ; vines, scrub plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wagay shadow of departed person ; spirit (of dead) ; sign ; shadow ; photo language Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
wagay shark fish Middle Clarence [more]
wagay, wagahy spirit language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagay-wagay bird, redhead (Y:Alln) ; redhead bird (Y:Alln) ; Swamp-hen, Eastern bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waguhymam grape plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wagulbun kangaroo, weaner ; weaner kangaroo animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wagun turkey, brush ; turkey, scrub ; scrub turkey ; brush turkey ; Bustard bird Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waguny jewfish (Y:Holm) ; catfish (Y:Holm) fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waguy vines in scrub ; vine (generic) ; rope ; string ; fishing line plant Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waguya, waguyiya corroboree, type of language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waguymam grape plant Middle Clarence [more]
wahdjar track ; trail ; spoor animal Lower Richmond [more]
wahgaru (wuguru) chilly Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahginy(?) goose, wild bird Lower Richmond [more]
wahl mark Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahlu Ettrick clan name ; clan name at Ettrick people Lower Richmond [more]
wahlu you (singular) Middle Clarence [more]
wahlu you (singular) Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahlu you (singular) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
wahlubal Tabulam dialect language Middle Clarence [more]
wahm swamp natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahndjari-, wahnydjari- roll ; turn ; change ; turn into ; change in form (transitive) ; change direction one faces (intransitive) Middle Clarence [more]
wahndjil, wahnydjil lizard species ; lizard, swag man ; swag man lizard reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahng work ; labour ; job ; occupation Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahng guyguy regular employment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahng-gali work-liker people Middle Clarence [more]
wahnggali good worker ; liking work ; work, liking Middle Clarence [more]
wahnggan south location Middle Clarence [more]
wahngma-, wahng work ; work for something Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahngmalihginy(gan) people Middle Clarence [more]
wahni- hit ; strike Middle Clarence [more]
wahnyi, wanyi you (singular object accusative) All [more]
wahr beware Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahr muscle body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahra- carry ; take Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahraga- hubbub, make a bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahrang bad ; wicked ; cross senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wahrba- pry into others' affairs Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahrgi- lie on one side Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wahwar teredo worm ; worm, teredo insect Middle Clarence [more]
walagan shoulder ; arm, upper (Culhm) ; upper arm (Culhm) ; elbow (Culhm) body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
walagan, walgan shoulder ; arm, upper ; upper arm body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walah frost, very severe natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walahw sick body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
walam cunjevoi plant plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walang ant-hill insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walanggi- crawl Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walany disappearance Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walanywan- lost, become ; bushed, become Middle Clarence [more]
walarun pigeon, wonga ; wonga pidgeon bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
walawu (?) sick body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
walbang stepmother ; mother, step- people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walehng name of place along Rocky River about 5 km from Tabulam location Middle Clarence [more]
walga scratch marks left by possum on tree ; possum scratch marks on tree animal Middle Clarence [more]
walgan shoulder body_part Middle Clarence [more]
walganbar(a) Parrot, Blue Mountain ; Blue Mountain Parrot bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wali- go ; present, be no longer (?) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
walmir chest body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
walung wide ; broad ; large (JThomas) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wamahr woomera artifact Middle Clarence [more]
wamban bird, satin ; satin bird bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wambar stick ; stick, yam ; stick, digging ; yam stick ; digging stick artifact Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wamginy arrive Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wamginy + -an.ga- come Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wamginy, wambin- come Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wamginy- bring Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wamin lake ; lagoon natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wamin fat body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wan-, wana- leave ; abandon ; stop ; cease ; let alone ; let go ; release ; don't, leave (it) Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wan-, wana-, wara- be ; become Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wan.ga- be ; do Lower Richmond [more]
wan.gahli stick (long) used for pole-vaulting ; pole-vaulting stick (long) artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wan.gar bee ; honey insect Lower Richmond [more]
wan.guny Wallaby, Scrub- (male) ; Scrub-Wallaby, male animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanah don't ; leave off Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanahnden slow(ly) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanar(a) anger senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wandahral bora ring artifact Middle Clarence [more]
wandahrilbi bora ring language Middle Clarence [more]
wandan strong Middle Clarence [more]
wandany conceited person ; show-off people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wandaril bora ground (?) artifact Lower Richmond [more]
wanday headland natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wande backside body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wandi- climb ; ascend ; go up Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wandirbi ibis bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wandjal frog ; big brown frog (Culhm) ; frog, big brown (Culhm) fr Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wandjigur blanket artifact Middle Clarence [more]
wang(g)an (?) male Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wang(g)ang (?), wung(g)ung clay natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wang(g)ay stringybark tree ; tree, stringybark plant Lower Richmond [more]
wangah, (wungah?) yours (thine) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangal disobedient Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangal, wangam deaf ; unhearing senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangalbang deaf senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangalbung Mt Tamborine location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangalgir deaf senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangali-, wangal forget senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangam stubborn (deaf, unheeding) senses Lower Richmond [more]
wangan round the other side ; on the other side out of sight location Middle Clarence [more]
wangan wallaby, old male animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangan (?) male Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangany armpit body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangara flower plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangay Tallow-wood plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangaygir(i) senile or toothless man ; man (senile or toothless) people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangba- bark (of dog ; dingo) animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangbal bark of dog or dingo animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wangbihn (?) this (?) Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangga pigeon Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggahn south location Middle Clarence [more]
wanggam stupid body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggar intestines body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggar Pretty-faced Wallaby ; Wallaby, Pretty-faced animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanggay blunt location Lower Richmond [more]
wanggim wallaby, scrub ; scrub wallaby animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanggir Wallaby, Pretty-faced (Y:Alln) ; Pretty-faced Wallaby (Y:Alln) ; whiptailed wallaby (Y:Watsn) ; wallaby, whiptailed (Y:Watsn) ; rock wallaby (Y:Hanln) ; wallaby, rock (Y:Hanln) animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggirbar Wangerriburra clan people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggum, wanggum-gang fool people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanggur deaf, (physically) body_part Lower Richmond [more]
wangma- All [more]
wangum parrot, blue mountain ; blue mountain parrot bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wangwang frog fr Middle Clarence [more]
wanilah- swim Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wanygal passing object ; passing shadow natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanyi perhaps ; maybe ; possibly Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wanyi you (object) Lower Richmond [more]
wanymangin (waymangginy?) pigeon, large green bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
war- in Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wara- lose Middle Clarence [more]
warah(y), warahy-bimba long time time Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warah, warahbil guts ; intestines ; innards body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warahn pelvis body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warahr flying squirrel, small animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warahy long time Middle Clarence [more]
warahy-warahy beer food Middle Clarence [more]
warahyma- do for a long time ; long, make ; drawn-out, make Middle Clarence [more]
warahywan- long time, be a ; late, become Middle Clarence [more]
waralba snake reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waram left-hand side or direction location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waram, warambil left hand side location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warambal left hand ; left side body_part Middle Clarence [more]
waran boomerang, fighting ; fighting boomerang artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waran, wayan, wehn root of tree ; road plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warang-warang long time Middle Clarence [more]
warbi, warbigan dillybag artifact Middle Clarence [more]
wardjam shark ; whale ; fish, magic ; mermaid ; bunyip ; monster, mythical fish Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wardjam shark species fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warehny saliva ; froth ; foam body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wargun crooked body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wari-wari duck, diver- ; diver-duck ; darter (?) bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warihnggal caterpillar species insect Middle Clarence [more]
waril river, big natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warima clever man ; man, clever people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
warima- push strongly Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warimalahr powerful, exceptionally ; skilful, exceptionally Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warimay cyclone ; storm, severe natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
warimi lightning natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
waring, waring(gal) cold ; cool ; freezing ; winter natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
waringehn Pleiades ; Seven Sisters natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waringgalwan- cold, have a ; coryza, have body_part Middle Clarence [more]
waringgan, waringginy winter time Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waringginy cold season ; winter natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waringgir Seven Sisters ; Pleiades natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
waringihn Caterpillar, Processionary insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waringihn winter time Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
waringmay lightning natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
waru-waruh fence ; boundary artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waru-waruhy across location Middle Clarence [more]
waruhdjar leaf of any kind plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waruhn witch people Lower Richmond [more]
waruhng, warung old woman ; woman, old people Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
waryam, wardjam, wadjam shark fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wawang (?) rocks natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wawun perhaps Gold Coast Tweed [more]
way above location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayah- fly Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayahli- fly (bird) ; rise up high bird Middle Clarence [more]
wayahlima-, wayma- raise ; lift up Middle Clarence [more]
wayal step ; foothold cut in tree for climbing ; Milky Way artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayam, wehm flying squirrel, large ; stingray animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayan, wehn, waran root of tree ; road ; hips (Y:Hanln) plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayan-gubi/wahn-gubi belt, a artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayan-wayan grass patch enclosed by scrub (?) plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayan.gari Ettrick clan name people Lower Richmond [more]
wayan.gir (wayan-gir) root of tree or plant plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayandjar root plant Middle Clarence [more]
waybar, wehbar fire ; camp ; firewood ; firestick ; matches ; spark ; light of fire food Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
waybarma- cause or make a fire food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waydjang (waydjung, wahdj-) heaven where departed spirits go language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waygal surface location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waygal-waygal superficial location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waygalga- walk on something Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
waygalgalima- (gulima?) put crosswise Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waygan top location Middle Clarence [more]
waygandima-, waygundima- put on (top of) Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
waygargah beech tree plant Copmanhurs [more]
waygaya- go above Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waygayma- look up Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waygimili- look up Middle Clarence [more]
wayi- say ; tell language Lower Richmond [more]
wayilahr Cockatoo, Yellow-tailed Black ; Black Cockatoo, Yellow-tailed bird Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayilany Cockatoo, Black (glossy) ; Black Cockatoo (glossy) bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayileh(r) cockatoo, black ; black cockatoo bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayma- raise ; lift up Middle Clarence [more]
wayma- speak ; talk ; say (something) language Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
waymehrigan, wanymehri, wanymehrigan white woman ; woman, white people Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
wayrabu before ; previously time Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayri ngulungargin 'king' of a tribe people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
waywani- swim ; swimming ; swim, to Gold Coast Tweed [more]
wayway crooked ; zigzag Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay