Bundjalung - Wahlubal using pictures for language learning
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Here are instructions for teaching some nouns using the Picture-Talk method. If you go to 'Teaching' on the menu and then select 'Resources' you will find a recording of Harry Walker that introduces the words and the questions below. If you are not yet familiar with these words, it will be helpful to listen to that tape recording first.
Set 1 Basic Nouns
Create pictures for the sixteen words. Point to the picture and say the word.
Ask students up one at a time and encourage student look at picture (never at you) and they copy you by them pointing to the picture and repeating the word.
Do this three times for each new word. After working with a couple of students you may not need to repeat as much as the students will have learnt by listening to those who have gone before them.
Select the items randomly, and give quite a few people a chance to do this as it helps you know if most people have acquired those words.
Next ask questions, pointing to different pictures and adapting questions for those pictures – this exposes students to the question structures and helps them understand how to create the answers to those questions.
Where is the boy? Yila janagan ? Boy is here. Gala janagan .
Where is the girl? Yila dubahjar ? Here is the girl. Gala dubayjar
What’s this? Nyang gala ? This is a dog Gala dubay .
Who’s this? Ngihn gala ? This is a man Gala baygal .
We ask the ‘where’ questions first, as they are the easiest. Students can answer simply by pointing, they don’t have to say anything until they are ready.