Bundjalung Dictionary

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Bundjalung English Category Dialect
-jam without Gold Coast Tweed [more]
ja- eat ; drink food Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ja- gung drink Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaba- help, to (?) Middle Clarence [more]
jabahm proximity ; nearness artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jabali- chew food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabam grub, tree boring ; tree boring grub ; grub ; witchety grub insect Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabang wet Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabanggan wife (?) people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabay eater people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabay food ; a feed food Lower Richmond [more]
jabi-jabi crab species, small fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabih- All [more]
jabihnggin, jabih-gali glutton people Middle Clarence [more]
jabihnginy man-eating spirit-being (male) ; spirit-being, man-eating (male) language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabihnyma- feed food Middle Clarence [more]
jabil water natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabililam(?) silky oak ; oak, silky plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabilum Tabulum location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabinma- feed (someone) food All [more]
jabinma- feed (someone) food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabir club ; nulla-nulla ; chopper ; waddy ; fighting stick artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabir-bilam fighting waddy belonging to the God Javreen or Jabreen artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabirgalba(h) Tabragalba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabirihn Jabreen or Javreen ; Javreen or Jabreen ; mythical hero, a (Jabreen or Javreen) language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabirngehny spirit (male) that goes out with young men for initiation, name of language Middle Clarence [more]
jabu boy ; youth people Middle Clarence [more]
jabu, jabuh boy people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabu, jabuyil, jabudjil older boy ; pre-puberty youth ; youth, pre-puberty people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabudjil, jabuyil young man (15-20 years) people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabuh boy to puberty people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabuh (Wi, M), jabuyil (M) boy people Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabuhba Tabooba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabuhbari Tweed River tribe people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabuhgil young man ; man, young people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabuhng orphan people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabuhng snake, any large ; large snake, any reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabul boy, little people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabulgan paddle artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabulgan-gubih rowlocks artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jabum willow tree grub ; grub, willow tree insect Lower Richmond [more]
jabum scrub wallaby ; wallaby, scrub animal Middle Clarence [more]
jabun daughter ; girl people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabunggan corpse of a girl Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabunggihny corpse of a boy Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jabuny girl ; young girl ; girl, young people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jadjahybur proximity ; closeness ; vicinity Middle Clarence [more]
jadjalbu baby, little people Lower Richmond [more]
jadjar playful ; playing the fool Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jaga- drink body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaga- send Lower Richmond [more]
jagabar dark ; black colour Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagabar rope ; vine artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagabargir loya cane plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagahygam beautiful ; pretty Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagali small black skincoid lizard, species of ; lizard (black, skincoid), species of reptile Middle Clarence [more]
jagam rain natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagaw, jagaybil pigeon, small green (Mur:Sc:Hargrv) ; small green pigeon (Mur:Sc:Hargrv) ; flock bird, green (GC) bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagay fish spear artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagay white man ; man, white people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jage-jageh apron, woman's artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagi secret ; sacred language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagibah private Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagihgan beautiful ; pretty Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagiradji white man ; man, white people Lower Richmond [more]
jaguhr stranger people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagul native land natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagun ground ; earth ; land ; country natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jagun, jan, -dja country ; ground ; earth natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jagur, jagul stranger people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaguwa- send animal Middle Clarence [more]
jahbal-jahbal swaggering ; swaying body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahbi-gubi, jah-gubih edible food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahbi-jahbi loin cloth artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahbu-yahgari baby, female people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahdjam baby ; child people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahdjam Tatham location Middle Clarence [more]
jahdjam bira-, jahdjam bura- bear ; give birth (of woman) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahdjam, jahgam child ; children ; baby people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahdjam, jahgam child ; children ; baby people Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
jahdjam-jahdjam child, little people Middle Clarence [more]
jahdjamwen- bear ; give birth body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jahgam child people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahgan eel fish Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahgan shark species fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahgany eel ; eel, freshwater fish Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahgar termite ; white ant ; ant, white insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahgari (?) girl, single ; single girl people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahguma- stoke up a fire (Wa) ; attend to the fire (Gd) food Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahla food food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahm (?) light natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahm(?) light natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahm, jambur lip body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahm-djang bad ; no good Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahn shirt artifact Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahna- stand ; stand up ; stop (of wind etc.) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahnama- make stand ; stand (something) ; make stop ; put ; leave (something) standing Middle Clarence [more]
jahnamalal stopped ; standing Middle Clarence [more]
jahnigir young woman of marriageable age ; woman (young) of marriageable age ; marriageable age, young woman of people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahnu where from ; whence Middle Clarence [more]
jahnunggal rock wallaby ; wallaby, rock animal Middle Clarence [more]
jahny bira- retort ; answer quickly language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahny(bil) quickly ; suddenly ; immediately Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahnyngil time, in the nick of time Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahra, jayir(i) red, intense colour All [more]
jahrany frog fr Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahrbuny windbreak natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jahwun.gawang Dragoon-bird ; bird, Dragoon- bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahy (?) blind senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jahyi- gather together natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalal ba- bump ; bumping noise, make a Middle Clarence [more]
jalalah crossing, shallow ; shallow crossing natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalalbay bumping noise Middle Clarence [more]
jalamay petty ; peevish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalang, jilang mud ; dirt ; clay, wet ; wet clay natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalanggir Brunswick clan people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalany giyuhmbiny sore throat body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalany-gali noisy person ; someone who makes too much noise people Middle Clarence [more]
jalay country natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaleh eat food Lower Richmond [more]
jalehn food food Lower Richmond [more]
jalehr logs (lying down) natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalgah- clash together ; knock together ; hit ; clap ; hit with a stick to make noise Middle Clarence [more]
jalgam Tyalgum location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalgambuny Mt Lindesay location Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalgan, dalgan, julgan (?) light Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalgany Aboriginal woman ; Goori woman ; woman, Aboriginal people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalgany lightning natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalgaybal noise of tree limbs creaking ; tree limbs creaking, sound of plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jali swamp natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jali when? Middle Clarence [more]
jali tree ; tree trunk ; log ; logs ; stick plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jali bidjangahn sapling plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jali, jaliger tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
jali- eat ; drink food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jali- collect? ; gather? ; catch? Middle Clarence [more]
jalih-gali, jabinggin glutton people Middle Clarence [more]
jalinggul, jaling, jalurgul (?) Burleigh Head ; Burleigh or Big Burleigh location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalinguhni hang Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaliny sandbury bush plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalmayma- break ; smash natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalngany (?) sun natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalngay firefly ; fireflies insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalngay shiny, bright, lamp, light, light (of fire, artificial light), shine, white, reflection natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalngay bahram firefly ; creeper with small five-petalled flowers insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalngay-ngahriyan, jalngay moth ; butterfly ; firefly ; fireflies ; dancing coloured lights ; coloured lights, dancing insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalngaywen- shine (of reflection) natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jalu fire ; smoke food Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
jaluba- urinate body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalubadjuru Tallabudgeree location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalubay urine body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalum fish (generic) ; mullet ; young mullet ; mangrove mullet ; mullet, young ; mullet, mangrove fish Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalum bira- fish with hook and line food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalum-jalum fish, any little fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaluma- make smoke food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jalumbil shark fish Middle Clarence [more]
jalumgan hip body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jalwahng tullawong (Pied Bell-Magpie) ; Currawong bird Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jalwan salt ; salty ; saline natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jalwang, jarwang tullawong ; currawong bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jam clumsy Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jamahlagan huge ; enormous Middle Clarence [more]
jamahlgan huge (Wu) ; big (We) Middle Clarence [more]
jamay bitter senses Middle Clarence [more]
jamba long (distance) Middle Clarence [more]
jamba- try Middle Clarence [more]
jambaguni-, jambanggi- try ; attempt ; succeed Middle Clarence [more]
jambahdj thumb body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jambama- try Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambamban pigeon, large green bird Lower Richmond [more]
jambang relation-in-law term people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambar palm tree (bangalow) plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambar heavy Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambay finger ; hand body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambe intensely Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jambera wife's father's father people Middle Clarence [more]
jambin death adder ; adder, death reptile Lower Richmond [more]
jambin(y) trevally fish ; fish, trevally fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambinbin root sucker plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambul fig tree or fruit ; fig (fruit) or tree ; fig ; white gum ; gum, white ; Silver Quandong ; Quandong, Silver plant Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence, Copmanhurs [more]
jambul(gam) fig, large (Tw) ; wild fig (Mur) ; fig, wild (Mur) ; fig, small (Ngr) plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambulang bee, large species of bee and its honey ; bee (large species of) and its honey ; bees ; honey insect Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jambulgam Tumbulgum location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jambulgir tree, fig ; fig tree plant Middle Clarence [more]
jambur, jahm lip body_part All [more]
jamburihm, jamburihn(y) lime tree, wild ; wild lime tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jamgal quick ; fast Middle Clarence [more]
jamgal fast Middle Clarence [more]
jamgalwan- hurry ; quick, be Middle Clarence [more]
jamigam salty water ; water, salty natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jan.gahy, jan.gal, jan.gar wet Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jan.gam hard Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jan.gany, jan.gan lightning natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jan.gar ba- dance ; leg-corroboree language Middle Clarence [more]
jana-jana, jena-jena echidna ; 'porcupine' animal Lower Richmond [more]
janabang they Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janabi nyubani family food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janabi, janabeh they Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janagan, jananggan boy people Middle Clarence Listen [more]
janang woomera ; throwing-stick artifact Lower Richmond [more]
jananggan single mens' camping area ; camping area, single mens' location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jananggan boy people Lower Richmond [more]
janba- wash something ; soak Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janbang platypus animal Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janbin(y) trevally (fish) fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jandahl dilly-bag artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jandahlgan woman's bag artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jandja- suck Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jandjari spirit, a ; 'little man' language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jandjehr shallow Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janduhng Grass Tree species plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janduhr, jandur Black Wallaroo, male ; Wallaroo, Black (male) animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janehn (?) ironbark plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janehngmam Casino location Lower Richmond [more]
janehnymam Casino location Middle Clarence [more]
janehr She-oak, River ; Oak, River ; River She-oak, River oak plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jang bad ; badly ; sour ; harmful ; no good ; cheeky ; badness ; rubbish senses Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jang bawur bad-tempered ; crazy ; angry ; stubborn senses Middle Clarence [more]
jang gamay yalyal dying Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jang malgan big (of storm) natural_environment Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jang-guriyahbu old Middle Clarence [more]
jang-jahng feeling hatred senses Middle Clarence [more]
janga(h)r dogwood plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jangahn sap ; resin plant Middle Clarence [more]
janganyan man from the west people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jangar shaking of legs for corroboree ; leg-shaking corroboree ; corroboree, shaking of legs for ; corroboree, leg-shaking language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jangar ba- dance the leg shaking corroboree ; leg shaking corroboree, dance the language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janggahl grudge senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janggahn cheek body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janggahy ungrateful ; unfriendly Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janggany-janggahny curly (of hair) body_part Middle Clarence [more]
janggay fruit of a vine in paradise food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jangguhnggan engagement-breaker ; marriage deserter (female) people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jangguny sour ; off (of food) food Middle Clarence [more]
jangigir mangrove plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jangil homesick senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jangma- wrong, do ; harm, do ; bad, make ; spoil ; ruin ; destroy ; mistake, make a ; miss ; fail to do ; wrongly or badly, do something ; become bad, cause to Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jangmulgigangul (?) large hill ; hill, large natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
jangul food food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jangur old (of people) people Middle Clarence [more]
janguy angry ; quarrelsome ; bad-tempered ; enemy senses Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janguyma- annoy ; angry, make senses Middle Clarence [more]
janguywan-, janguywen- (Wa) annoyed, become ; angry, get senses Middle Clarence [more]
jangwan- bad, be ; bad, become Middle Clarence [more]
jangwany bad, something ; something bad ; pain body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jangwen- fail to do ; miss Middle Clarence [more]
jani-janihny nail body_part Middle Clarence [more]
janigir(?) single Lower Richmond [more]
janinba right hand ; hand, right body_part Lower Richmond [more]
janung ba- act as a moral and spiritual guardian ; moral or spiritual guardian, act as ; spiritual or moral guardian, act as ; guardian (moral or spiritual), act as language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janunggahy moral or spiritual guardianship ; guardianship, moral or spiritual ; moral guardianship ; spiritual guardianship language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janunggahybay moral and spiritual guardian ; 'godparent' ; guardian, moral and spiritual language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janunggal gentleman, thorough ; ceremony for appointing a janunggahybay ; janunggahybay, ceremony for appointing a people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janunggir firestick artifact Middle Clarence [more]
janyang close ; near location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
janydjahl nibble ; suck food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janydjahl ba- nibble ; suck ; chew food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
janyehny grasshopper insect Middle Clarence [more]
jar-jar lively ; fidgety natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jara- fit (into something) colour Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jaragumbiny mountain name location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarahm leather ; strap ; belt artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarahn lap (knee to thigh) body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarahny frog fr Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarahnybil Clover Park location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarahnygiray spring of water natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jarahr footprint ; track ; track of a foot natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarahr one Middle Clarence [more]
jarahr-an.ga- track natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarana track of a foot natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
jarang leg (of animal ; hind leg) ; thigh (bone) ; thigh (or whole leg from hip to foot) ; claw body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarang drunk body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jarang-jarang branch (of tree) plant Middle Clarence [more]
jarangbin(y) creek natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaranggali catfish fish Middle Clarence [more]
jaranggehny trousers artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jaranggihn, jaranggihny, jaranggan trousers artifact Lower Richmond [more]
jaranggihny, jaranggehny trousers artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jaranggir drunken person ; unsteady on legs, one who is people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarany afraid ; frightened senses Lower Richmond [more]
jarany beard ; hair of beard body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jarar-jarar scurrying ; always hurrying Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jararburma- mix ; mingle Middle Clarence [more]
jaray ba- paddle natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarbugany walking stick ; stick, walking artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarbuhny killing stick ; stick, killing artifact Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jargal grave colour Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jargan shark species fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jargi- stoop ; duck down ; kneel Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jargung fretful senses Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jari(?) wallaby, rock ; rock wallaby animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jari- eat ; drink body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jariri (?), jadjiri pigeon, fruit ; fruit pigeon bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jaru stone ; rock(s) natural_environment Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarugahng boulder natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarugin.gi- turn into rock Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaruhn, daruny arm (with wrist) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaruhr (jarudj, darudj?) good ; pleasant natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
jarul-gali stony ; rocky natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jarwa- scrape ; carve ; trim ; sharpen ; clean (of fish) food Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jarwan tullawong ; currawong bird Middle Clarence [more]
jarwang, jalwang tullawong ; currawong bird Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence [more]
jarwany sunning-place of kangaroos or wallabies ; kangaroo or wallaby sunning place animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jaw- eat body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jaw-jaw Chinese person people Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jawa yes Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jawahng Stormbird cock bird Middle Clarence [more]
jawaya middle, in the ; between location Lower Richmond [more]
jawba mouth (?) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jawbir pigeon, wonga ; wonga pigeon bird Lower Richmond [more]
jawga- send ; allow to go Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jawga- send ; let ; permit ; give up ; release ; let go Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jawgam strong reptile Lower Richmond [more]
jawi up location Middle Clarence [more]
jawin arm (GC:Mestn) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jawiny quiet ; still Middle Clarence [more]
jawinywen-, jawunywan- stop (making a noise) ; quiet, become Middle Clarence [more]
jawuna- quiet!, be Middle Clarence [more]
jawuny quiet ; silent Middle Clarence [more]
jay one side, to ; sideways location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jayang, jehng mouth ; beak ; lip body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jayany, yawany myrtle tree ; tree, myrtle plant Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
jaybal proximity ; nearness Middle Clarence [more]
jaybu yan- step sideways Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jayi wattle, green ; green wattle plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jayinda- drink food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jayir(i), jahra red colour Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jayuhm aching (of head) (Wa) ; headache (Gd) body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jayuhmwen- ache (of head) body_part Middle Clarence [more]
je hey! body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jehng mouth body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jehnggama- put into the mouth Lower Richmond [more]
jehny mouth body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jehr big ; much ; loud ; fast Middle Clarence [more]
jehrma- do loudly Middle Clarence [more]
jehrwen-, jehrgam-wen- grow up ; grow big ; big, grow Middle Clarence [more]
jehyang mouth body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jeli stick plant All [more]
jelum fish plant All [more]
jena jena echidna ; 'porcupine' animal Lower Richmond [more]
jena-jena echidna ; porcupine animal Middle Clarence [more]
jena-jena, jana-jana echidna animal Middle Clarence [more]
jenehngmam Casino location Middle Clarence [more]
jenyehny grasshopper insect Middle Clarence [more]
jerahmbanban leather neck (bird) bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jerehr (?) seagull bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jeringan stringybark tree plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jeyang, jehng beak ; mouth body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jeyang, jehng, jayang mouth ; beak ; lip body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jeyinahgan star, large (not identified) natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jeyir, jehr big ; large ; important Middle Clarence [more]
jibali vulva ; cunnus body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jibany deaf (of one who does not want to hear) body_part Lower Richmond [more]
jibi Bullrout Cod ; Cod, Bullrout fish Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jibi, jibirah bull rout fish fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jibiny eyelash ; eyebrow body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jidja sister people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jidja sister people Lower Richmond [more]
jidjargan cousin, female people Lower Richmond [more]
jidji shrub (bushy), bearing a blue berry ; McIntosh Island (name for) - Southport plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jidjimahm Lilly-Pilly plant Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jidjiman cherry tree (Gn) plant Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jiga- shake Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jigala fellow people Lower Richmond [more]
jigarga- sneeze body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jigay abscess ; sore ; ulcer body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jigay, jihgay, jigaybil catbird bird Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jigi cheeky Lower Richmond [more]
jigihny splinter plant Middle Clarence [more]
jigihnywan- splintered, become ; break up into splinters Middle Clarence [more]
jigindjay, jiginydjay Rocky River, name of place along (where a spirit lives) ; name of place along Rocky River where a spirit lives location Middle Clarence [more]
jigini- do how ; do with what ; do Middle Clarence [more]
jigini- do what ; make what Middle Clarence [more]
jiginir fish (generic) fish Middle Clarence [more]
jiginyehr what sort of Middle Clarence [more]
jigir belly body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jigir salty natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jih what place ; where location Middle Clarence [more]
jihbag spit body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jihbiny stinging tree ; tree, stinging plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jihbur squirrel ; sugar glider animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jihga- shake Middle Clarence [more]
jihga- shaking, be Middle Clarence [more]
jihgay All [more]
jihl, jiyal eye body_part Lower Richmond [more]
jihmbang sheep animal Middle Clarence [more]
jihrgan blue-gum ; gum, blue- plant Middle Clarence [more]
jihrgan.gir flooded-gum ; gum, flooded- plant Middle Clarence [more]
jihrmurul flying squirrel (Wa) ; Squirrel Glider animal Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jihwar tired ; fed up ; weary of body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jihwarwan- tired of, become Middle Clarence [more]
jihyaw-djam eye-less ; sleepy ; blind ; sleeping ; asleep ; short-sighted body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jila, dili reeds ; rushes plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilamuna- to float ? Middle Clarence [more]
jilang claws of a bird ; bird, claws of bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilang, jelang, jalang mud ; dirt ; wet clay ; clay, wet natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilbi bird excreta ; excreta of bird bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jilbi stinging fish ; fish, stinging fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilbiny Jilbin location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilgir ant, green ; green ant insect Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jili bag ; rush (reed) used for bag making artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jilil, jiyil termite insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiliny outside location Lower Richmond [more]
jim bura- brief, be Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jim gawa- break off ; brief, be Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jim, -djim end Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jiman camp Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiman meat ; flesh ; muscle body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jimbalang, jimbaram, jimbelang, jimbilan friend ; owner (Y:Allen) people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jimbalangari friendship Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jimbang goat ; sheep animal Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jimbang sheep animal Lower Richmond [more]
jimbaram friend people All [more]
jimbuhmba Jimboomba location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jimbul pine plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jimguny half Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jimi down feathers ; feathers, down bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jimiriny lizard, small species of reptile Middle Clarence [more]
jin speck Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jin.gan song-prayer, sacred ; chant, sacred ; song, sacred language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinang foot ; feet ; handle of implement body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinang baya-, jinang bayi-bayeh- kick Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinang juhla- track something Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinang-gaba boot artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinang-gubih heel body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinang-jinang footprints ; tracks natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinang-nguring cicatrix ; scar body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jinangdjin shoe ; shoes artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jinanggihn shoe ; shoes artifact Lower Richmond [more]
jinbigeri, jinbigehr Bottle Tree ; Tree, Bottle plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinbigir bottle tree (Gn) ; tree, bottle (Gn) plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinda- scrape the quills from an echidna ; echidna, scrape the quills from animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinda-, junda- push ; shove Middle Clarence [more]
jindam knife (of stone) ; stone knife artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jindi nest, bird's ; bird's nest ; nest bird Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jindihn many Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jindil flea insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jindirah bay natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jindjung name or nickname of an Aboriginal man ; Aboriginal man, name or nickname of people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jing-jing bell artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jingani- do how ; do in what way Middle Clarence [more]
jinggar vagina body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinggi- how ; do how ; do in some way ; be how ; be in what way Middle Clarence [more]
jinggi-jinggil shag, white-fronted ; white fronted shag bird Middle Clarence [more]
jinggir sneeze body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinggir-jinggihr, jinggir-jinggir, jingir-jingir, jigir-jigir Willie Wagtail ; Willy Wagtail ; Fantail, Black and White bird Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinggir-jinggir, jigir-jigir Willy Wagtail bird Lower Richmond [more]
jinggun name or nickname of an Aboriginal woman ; Aboriginal woman, name of nickname of people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jingir-jingi(h)r fantail fly-catcher, black bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinimir navel body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinir kindling wood ; wood, kindling food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinir-jinir owl, night ; frogmouth bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jinmir end Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jinuhn garahr brolga bird Lower Richmond [more]
jirang tooth ; teeth body_part Lower Richmond [more]
jirang, dirang, diyang, jiyang (?) teeth body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jirbam grubs insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirguluhm Bower-bird, Satin ; Satin Bower-bird bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirguruhr clay natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiri dust, fine (Gd) ; powder (Gd) ; dirt (JThomas) natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirigan gum, red ; red gum plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirigay name of an old 'king' ; old 'king', name of an people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiriny vulva body_part Lower Richmond [more]
jiru sun natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiruhng Goanna, Common reptile Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jirun(y) frost ; Pleiades ; Seven Sisters natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jirun-, jiruni- freeze natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jirunehn ice natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jirwar supernatural being ; being, supernatural language All [more]
jirwururahwra, jirwurarawra, jiruhrurahwra flying squirrel ; squirrel, flying animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiwah, giwa goanna reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiya where? Lower Richmond [more]
jiyagan when? Lower Richmond [more]
jiyah where (particular place) Middle Clarence [more]
jiyaw eye ; eyes (Bj) body_part Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jiyaw-nyahligu glasses ; spectacles artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jiyil, jilil termite ; white ant ; ant, white insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiyilbiny Jilbin location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jiyumgang snake, black ; black snake reptile Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
ju where location Middle Clarence [more]
ju(h) middle? ; half? ; half-way? location Middle Clarence [more]
juba-an.ga- split natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jubar frost natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jubar grub, witchety ; witchety grub insect Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jubar Glen Station location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jubi, jubeh mud crab, species of ; crab, mud (species of) fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jubiny-jubuhny evening natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jubulgan stick for propelling canoe ; canoe, stick for propelling a artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jubung saliva body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jubuny night ; tonight natural_environment Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jubunydjahbu early ; morning daybreak to noon time Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jubur grub insect Middle Clarence [more]
jubur ba- splashing noise, make a ; sound of splashing when walking through water, make Middle Clarence [more]
juburbay splashing noise (Wa) ; splashing noise made by walking through water (Wa) ; sound of stamping feet at a corroboree (Gd) language Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
judjah right down Middle Clarence [more]
judje below body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juga- intercourse, have ; coition, have ; drink body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
juga- drink body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juga-, juwa- drink food Middle Clarence [more]
jugabay, jugubay honey ; native honey insect Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
jugah-gali man who likes to drink ; drink, man who likes to people Middle Clarence [more]
jugah-galigan woman who likes to drink ; drink, woman who likes to people Middle Clarence [more]
jugahla gullet body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jugal carpet snake ; snake, carpet reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jugal mountain name location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jugali- copulate ; have sex body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jugaligahl drink ; wine food Lower Richmond [more]
jugan.gu where to ; whither Middle Clarence [more]
jugi-jugi chook ; chicken ; hen ; domestic fowl bird Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jugubay beehive insect Middle Clarence [more]
jugul heart body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jugul, julgu heart body_part Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jugung spit ; saliva body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jugura- jump Lower Richmond [more]
juguray jump Lower Richmond [more]
juhbi catfish fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juhdjan whiting fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juhga- copulate body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhgar caterpillar insect Middle Clarence [more]
juhgir empty artifact Middle Clarence [more]
juhla- follow (track, ridge, etc.) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhlam, julan lizard, house ; house lizard reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juhlany miserable ; poor ; unfortunate Middle Clarence [more]
juhlay party pursuing an eloping couple ; eloping couple, party pursuing a people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhli- wade Middle Clarence [more]
juhm smoke ; steam ; cigarette ; tobacco ; fog ; mist natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhm-an.ga- smoke food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juhm-guwang black snake ; snake, black reptile Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhma- smoke food Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhmabil ironbark, silver-leafed ; silver-leafed ironbark plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhmbi- smoke (of fire) food Middle Clarence [more]
juhmbil smoky food Middle Clarence [more]
juhnam, juhnum cod (fish) fish Middle Clarence [more]
juhnba- talk language Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhnurbi eclipse natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juhnydjulam Willy-wagtail bird Middle Clarence [more]
juhra- split ; crack open Middle Clarence [more]
juhrawarigal (duhrawarigal?) plover bird Copmanhurs [more]
juhrdjiran.gay sad ; sorry senses Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juhruy, juruy wallaby, rock animal Middle Clarence [more]
juhwar mist, ground inversion natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julahy, julay bitter ; sour ; sweet, not food Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julan file (single line) plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julang, julahng (?) kill artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julba belly ; stomach body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julba- jump ; spring Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julbahya- jump Middle Clarence [more]
julbangga- hop Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julbir corpse ; dead body plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julbuy guhndun bushy hair ; hair, bushy body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julge, julgeh earthworm ; worm insect Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julgu heart body_part Middle Clarence [more]
julidjwur (?) beach natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
julihm-julihm wren (Y:Sha) ; finch, redhead (Y:Hanlon) bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julihndi- wade Middle Clarence [more]
julim, julin seashell species natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julim-julim Robin, Yellow bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julimba chest body_part Middle Clarence [more]
julin kangaroo, young animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julinggan breast body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluh downwards location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluh-an.ga- kneel Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juluhgal low Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juluhm (?) lizard reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juluhma- look downwards ; look down on (despise) senses Lower Richmond, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhn Common Grass Skink ; Skink, Common Grass ; frilled lizard (?) (Ym) ; lizard, frilled (?) (Ym) ; lizard ; small house lizard ; lizard, small house reptile Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhng pole ; paddle artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juluhngan hillside, steep natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhngay black native bee ; bee, black native insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhnggi- do with head bowed ; head bowed, do with ; bowed head, do with Middle Clarence [more]
juluhnggi- die Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhr gaol ; unpleasant place location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhr, julu ant, greenhead ; greenheaded ant insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juluhrgan wombat animal Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhwa-, juluhyi- go downwards ; downwards, go Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juluhya- go down Lower Richmond [more]
julung drink food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julung (-an.ga-) (?) push along with a pole ; pole, push along with a Gold Coast Tweed [more]
julungany Bottle Tree ; Tree, Bottle plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julungga- set (of the sun) natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
julunggah- drink body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julunggahlany drink food Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julur boil body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
julur scorpion insect Middle Clarence [more]
juluya- go down ; descend Middle Clarence [more]
julwa-, julba- jump Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumabil ironbark, silver-leafed ; silver-leafed ironbark plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumaw wattle, black ; black wattle plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumbagah tobacco ; cigarette ; cigar plant Middle Clarence [more]
jumbar stiff insect Middle Clarence [more]
jumbay, juhmbay Apple, Black ; Black Apple plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumbihnda- wash away (as flood) natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jumbil, juhmbil crows nest plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumbulgah Toomboolgah location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumbur heavy (in weight) Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumgaba-, jumgahba- drop ; fall Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumgam, jumgan, jun.gam wallaby, black scrub ; black scrub wallaby animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumgan ocean natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumgi- leak ; drip Lower Richmond, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumgihny leak ; drip Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumginy-an.ga- drip Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jumgung, jumgum, jumgu (?) black snake ; snake, black reptile Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jumguy belongings ; possessions ; swag ; bundle artifact Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jun penis ; tail body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jun.gar penis body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jun.guhnun bobtailed Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jun.gul faeces ; shit body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jun.gul heavy ; weight Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jun.gun rain-cloud ; cloud, rain natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junam cod ; codfish fish Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junam heel body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junam porpoise fish Lower Richmond [more]
junbal pine plant Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junbar ordinary fly ; small maggot ; maggot, small ; fly, ordinary insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junbar blowfly, fly, maggot, bush fly, house fly insect Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junbar guwil scrub plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junbar, janbar fly insect Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
junbargal flyblown insect Middle Clarence [more]
junbarma- blow ; flyblow insect Middle Clarence [more]
junbil staghorn, elk ; elk staghorn plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junda- push ; shove ; overturn Middle Clarence [more]
junda-, jundah- push ; move Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junda-, jundahma- push Lower Richmond [more]
jundahma- push Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jundal girl ; young girl ; girl, young people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jundal white woman ; woman, white people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jundang (dundang?, dundany?) ant, solitary insect Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jundihn, jundi straight ; true Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jundjehr (?) shallow All [more]
jundjulum, junydjulum bird species bird Middle Clarence [more]
jundjung marrow; pith ; brain body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jundur, junduru heavy Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jung bad Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jung-jung marrow ; brain body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jungahr pelican bird Middle Clarence [more]
jungahy expert climber ; climber, expert people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jungar Ibis, Straw-necked ; Straw-necked Ibis bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jungar, jungur pelican bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jungar-ngahriyahn, jungar-ngahriyan Cook Island location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junggan sacred song ; song, sacred language Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junggang, jungala cheek body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junggi (jun.geh) bark, dry food Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junggun, junggan, junygun, juhgun cloud natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jungul falsely (Cas) ; purposeless (for no reason) (Wa) ; for no reason (purposeless) (Wa) Middle Clarence [more]
jungur pelican bird Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond [more]
jungur flint knife ; knife artifact Gold Coast Tweed, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jungur, junguru cut ; cut from a knife body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jungurgal, jungurgul cut made with a knife ; cicatrice ; ornamental cicatrices on body body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jungurgun flintstone knife ; knife, flintstone artifact Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junihdj-junihdj-junihdj call of the mopoke owl ; mopoke owl, call of the bird Middle Clarence [more]
junihr-junihr owl species bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junim river natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junim straight ; right hand side (?) ; right hand side or direction Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
junimbah right-hand side Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junimbal right hand ; right side body_part Middle Clarence [more]
junindi, jindi nest bird All [more]
junir-junir tawny frogmouth ; frogmouth, tawny bird Lower Richmond [more]
junu vulva (?) (Y:Holm) ; vagina (?) (Y:Holm) body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junu whence Middle Clarence [more]
junung club ; club for kangaroos ; nulla-nulla ; kangaroos, club for artifact Middle Clarence [more]
jununggay name of a place on the Rocky River on the first big turn past Tabulam location Middle Clarence [more]
junungu whence Lower Richmond [more]
junuy little Lower Richmond [more]
juny poor thing people Lower Richmond [more]
junygan wallaby animal Gold Coast Tweed [more]
junygan, junygun sky ; cloud natural_environment Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jur-jur navel body_part Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jur-jur creek natural_environment Lower Richmond [more]
jura- hang Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juradjum, yuramgan baby people Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurahrba- row ; paddle bird Middle Clarence [more]
jurangbil Brunswick River location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurayir current (?) Middle Clarence [more]
jurbihl totem spirit-being (Gd) ; spirit, familiar ; spirit being (Cowln) language Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jurgahy waterfall natural_environment Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jurgan(?) bangalo stick plant Lower Richmond [more]
jurgari bird, dollar ; dollar bird bird Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurgung tongue body_part Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juri- hang ; float Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juriga- count ; measure ; lead Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurih yourself ; yourselves Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jurihr current natural_environment Middle Clarence [more]
jurima- lift plant Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juriyal bay natural_environment Copmanhurs [more]
jurugahn Grass, Foxtail ; Foxtail Grass plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juruhnbay thigh ; upper leg ; leg, upper body_part Middle Clarence [more]
juruhng leech, land ; land leech insect Middle Clarence [more]
juruhng(g)il leech, water ; water leech insect Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juruhny climber, poor people Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juruhny, juruny eel fish Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juruhybil scrub, thick with entangled vines plant Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jurumbay thigh body_part Middle Clarence [more]
jurun-jurun shoot of a plant ; plant shoot plant Gold Coast Tweed [more]
jurung leech insect Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
jurungal, durungul- calm Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juruy bend in a creek or gully ; corner natural_environment Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juruy, juhruy rock wallaby ; wallaby, rock animal Middle Clarence [more]
juwa- drink body_part Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juwa-, juga- drink body_part Middle Clarence [more]
juwan spear ; war-spear ; two-piece spear artifact Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juwang midnight time Middle Clarence [more]
juwangah midnight time Middle Clarence [more]
juwayma- put in the middle Middle Clarence [more]
juwe middle location Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juwi down ; below ; east location All [more]
juwi, juy down location Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juwim-juwim Flycatcher, Restless ; Restless Flycatcher ; Scissors Grinder ; Grinder, Scissors bird Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juwir snake, diamond ; snake, red reptile Gold Coast Tweed, Condamine Upper Clarence [more]
juwir gamban-gambahn snake, ringed reptile Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juy downwards ; down ; below ; into location Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence [more]
juyah bottom ; lower down ; in ; inside location Gold Coast Tweed [more]
juybam yam of water lily ; waterlily yam plant Lower Richmond [more]
juygundahy steep Middle Clarence [more]
juyguwa- go downwards location Middle Clarence [more]
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Supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages Support program and New Media program. Copyright © Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Cooperative

Image by Sharon Smith. For more information contact Muurrbay